Project info

Art & Gallery Fit Out in Dubai

Art, Gallery Fit out| Urban Scienc

For art galleries, museum exhibitions, luxury retail shops, restaurants, office renovations, and commercial spaces, we provide permanent interior fit out interior design solutions With over 14 years of expertise and a highly skilled senior staff, we will assist you through the entire process, from planning to final outcome, and offer high-quality work that matches your budget and deadline.

Museum Fit out| Urban Science |

From modest galleries to huge permanent museum displays, we oversee and build projects. When it comes to the user’s experiences, we understand designers’ requirements and make sure that the idea leads the construction. We can assist you with engineering solutions for delivering a challenging setup, maintaining the most precious works, improving an art project with the optimum lights, or proposing cost-effective solutions.

USBC Interiors is specialized in turnkey Interior Fit-outs for residential & commercial spaces in Dubai




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